Often, I am asked what piece of advice I’d give to someone who wants to start that blog or business. For me, it is simple. From 13 years of running a blog turned digital media brand, everything I have done, will do, or am doing, boils down to this:
Your what?
Your WHY.

The reason that prompted, inspired, or motivated you to begin this journey. THAT is something that you have to hone, nurture, and hold close to you.
Your WHY is the thing that becomes your North Star as you start on this journey of entrepreneurship that no one really talks about. BUT! It is theeeee most important piece of you that you will need to hold on to, so that you do not lose your way.
It is easy to want to do something you find cool, because xyz influencer or blogger is doing it. It is easy to start down that rabbit hole of comparison or self-doubt when you do not get what you feel you deserve… it is very easy.
See, there was a time where I forgot my why. Not too long ago, actually!
YUP. I forgot who I was for a while. Thought that I needed to change who I am, what I do, or how I did things, to fit in. And for a while, things felt uncomfortable. I started seeking outside approval for a WHY and PURPOSE that did not suit me.
Until I was reminded of my WHY. Until I had to sit with myself and ask myself WHY I was doing what I was. WHY I was moving how I was. WHY I was doubting myself how I was (therapy works wonders).
I lost sight of my WHY.

What I thought I wanted and needed at that time, was far removed from the core of WHY I started what I did. My purpose, attached to my WHY was all out of whack.
For a minute, I thought my successes were contingent upon the approval from others- that they held my future in their social media hands. I second guessed myself, doubted every move at every turn, I was a MESS. It felt like I was in a fog and I needed that light to help me find my way back. Back to my WHY.
So, when I started digging into to the core of WHY I Started The Curvy Fashionista, all those years ago and asked myself where I wanted to go with it- My WHY slapped me in the face.

And now? I have a renewed sense of self. I do not beat myself up for losing sight of things. It was a lesson (or a few) that I learned that helped shape and strengthen me on this journey.
So, when I say to you, know your WHY, this is NOT a cautionary tale, but an advisory one. One that will hopefully help you navigate your journey and path a bit more confidently.
Remind yourself what your WHY is and hold on to that guiding light/principle, your WHY- you will learn that YOUR path will help you find YOUR purpose, one that is extremely unique to you.

Knowing Your WHY will:
- Help you stay authentic to yourself.
- Help you navigate your path to your purpose.
- Show you your next steps.
- Help you build an engaged community and audience.
And so much more…
So… what is YOUR WHY?
Why did you begin this journey?
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